Our past Projects
Translations into French (Ellen Davydov)
Non-academic translations
- November 2022 – August 2023 : From German into French for the website profemina.org
Academic translations
- Papers:
- 2023 :
- From Italian into French, translation of the general audience, Wednesday the 15th of November 1972 (https://www.vatican.va/content/paul-vi/it/audiences/1972/documents/hf_p-vi_aud_19721115.html) for Mame/Fleurus.
- 2014:
- From Italian into French, translation of Carmine di Marino « Pour une généalogie de l’ipséité. Partant de Paul Ricoeur » (Symposium on Paul Ricoeur, Paris, Août 2014)
- From Italian into French, translation of Donatella di Cesare « L’Être et le juif: entre Heidegger et Levinas « , (Symposium on Heidegger, Paris, novembre 2014).
- From Italian into French, translation of Carmelo Meazza « Le voilement de l’aporie ; Les critiques de Levinas à la tradition de l’ontologie », (Symposium on Heidegger, Paris, Novembre 2014)
- 2012:
- From German into French, translation of László Tengelyi, “ Die Kategorien der Ehrahrung und das Traszendentale”, vortrag am 04. 2012 in Wuppertal (Erasmus Mundus Review Interpretationes)
- 2023 :
- Articles:
- 2018 :
- From Italian into French, translation of Giuseppe Giordano, “Benedetto Croce : Il dialogo con Marx tra 1895 e 1900**” (Recherches philosophiques, 1)
- 2016:
- From Italian into French, translation of Enzo Paci « L’étude de la logique de Husserl », (Publié dans Revue Recherches Philosophiques no3).
- 2018 :
- Books :
- 2017:
- From Italian into French, translation with Dr. Julien Labia of Alessandro Bertinetto, Pensée des sons: Thèmes de philosophie de la musique, Paris, Delatour.
- 2017:
Translations into/from Russian and English (Valentin Davydov)
Academic translations
- Papers and articles:
- 2023:
- From French into English, translation of the article by Dr. Dominic Nnaemeka Ekweariri “Le sujet non-positionnel et le soi hors je(u): Marc Richir et Emmanuel Falque“.
- 2020:
- From English into Russian, translation of Sir Arthur John Evans (The Minoan and Mycenaean Element in Hellenic Life in The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Cambridge University Press, 1912. № 32. — P. 277—287
- From Russian into English, transation of my own article “Ethnos theory of Lev Gumilev” based on the referat “Theories of passionarity in Russian anthropology”, Moscow, 2018
- 2019:
- From English into Russian, translation of several excerpts from the aricle “Ancient Egyptian Religion: an Interpretation” by Henri Frankfort, 1948
- From Russian into English, translation of the referat “Civil religion in the USSR” by Alexei Raudis, Moscow, 2015
- From Russian into English, translation of the article “Signs of sectarianism in the religious aspect of Porfiry Ivanov’s teachings“, Moscow, 2012
- 2018:
- From English into Russian, translation of several excerpts from “Ancient Egyptian Literature. A Book of Readings. The Old and Middle Kingdoms” by M. Lichtheim, California: University of California Press, 1973
- From Russian into English, my article “The Ainu people during the formative period of the Japanese ethnos”, Moscow, 2014
- From English into Russian, translation of several excrepts from “Social Anthropology and Other Essays” by Sir Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard, New York, 1950.
- 2023:
- 2021:
- From Russian into English, translation of Michail Onufrienko, “Origins and development of historical knowledge from ancient times to the late 17th century” (Referat, Moscow 2016)
- From Russian into English, translation of Vyacheslav Irzabekov, “Political activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the post-Soviet world” (materials for the international scientific conference ” Current Problems of Modern Culture and Education”, Moscow, 2017
- From Russian into English, translation of my own article “Russian historiography in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries”, Moscow, 2019
- From English into Russian, translation of Sir Wallis Budge “Some account of the collection of egyptian antiquities in the possession of lady Meux“, London, 1896
- From English into Russian, translation of James Henry Breasted (his article for the conference “Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt: Lectures Delivered on the Morse Foundation“, at Union Theological Seminary, New York City, New York, 1912
- 2021:
- Archives:
- 2018 :
- From French into Russian, translation of сorrespondence of M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov with various persons: Emperor Alexander I, Admiral Tormasov, Baron Meyendorff. The Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (РГАДА), ф.20, кн. 61
- 2017:
- From French into Russian, translation of a selection of materials devoted to the history of the Battle of Austerlitz: decrees, reports, letters, notes, press clippings. The Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (РГАДА), ф.20, кн. 60, 62
- 2018 :