Our Ethics

To translate means to express accurately and completely by means of one language what is already expressed by means of another language in an inseparable unity of content and form.

Fyodorov A.V.

The purpose of any translation is to familiarise the reader or listener who does not know the original language as closely as possible with the text being translated. In order to translate, one must first of all understand what is being translated. In doing so, the translator uses linguistic images, i.e. interpretation takes place with the elements of translation already in place. Next, it is necessary to find the appropriate means of expression in the language in which the translation is made. And the choice of these means: words, collocations, grammatical forms – strongly depends on the personal qualities of the translator, his attitude to the original. Correct or incorrect interpretation of the original plays a very important role in this process and is therefore a prerequisite for the fulfilment of the translation task: to express the unity of content and form that the original represents. The right choice of linguistic means is the basic condition for the fulfilment of this task.

A code of ethics in translation can be described as a set of moral principles and rules that should guide translators in their professional behaviour. Various private translators or translation agencies or associations often develop their own code of ethics for translators. Although there is no single code, all codes of ethics for translators are fundamentally similar. The most common fundamental principles that we respect and follow in our work:

  1. Accuracy – the translator or interpreter should accurately and completely transmit the original message without omitting or adding anything to what has been said, taking into account the linguistic nuances of both the original and the target language, preserving the tone and temper of the original message.
  2. Cultural sensitivity – the translator should be aware of aware of the fact that cultural differences and similarities between people exist without assigning them a value – positive or negative, better or worse, right or wrong.
  3. Accountability -the translator should research the topic to make sure that the translation is scientifically correct.
  4. Honestythe translator should not accept missions that he or she is not able to fulfill either because they do not match his or her qualifications or because he or she is not able to respect the deadline.
  5. Confidentiality – the translator should not disclose any information discovered during the translation process, including, but not limited to any information obtained through access to documents and other written materials.
  6. Compliance with deadlines – the translator should finalise the assignment in a timely manner.

In our work, we strictly follow the guidelines mentioned above and we guarantee the high quality of our work.