Husserl; Classical Phenomenology; Contemporary Continental Philosophy.

Gadamer; Hermeneutics; Philosophy of Music; Medieval Philosophy.

2015-2022: PhD in Philosophy, Duquesne University of the Holy Spirit, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Doctoral Thesis: “Inner Song, Phenomenological Description of a Musical Object of Phantasy”

  • 24/05/2022: dissertation defense.
  • Advisor: Lanei Rodemeyer; Members of the committee: Frederick Evans, Jay Lampert, Sacha Carlson and Alessandro Bertinetto (pass without revision).
  • 01/03/2020-09/09/2021: Heidelberg Universität Philosophisches Seminar Exchange Program, Heidelberg, GERMANY.

2014-2015: Admissibility CAPES Philosophy, FRANCE

2013-2014: Preparation Course for the Agrégation and CAPES in Philosophy – a civil service competitive examination in philosophy at Paris-Sorbonne IV University, Paris, FRANCE.

2011-2013: Master in German and French philosophy with the Erasmus Mundus Europhilosophie’s Program (First at the Competitive Examination Scholarship B Highest Honors).

Master Thesis: « Le chant intérieur comme condition de possibilité de l’interprétation musicale », Advisor: László Tengelyi (Gut)

  • Winter Semester 2011: Karls University in Prague, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC.
  • Spring Semester 2012: Hosei University, Tokyo, JAPAN.
  • Winter Semester 2012, Spring Semester 2013: Bergische Universität, Wuppertal, GERMANY.

2010-2011: Bachelor in Italian Language at the Paris–Sorbonne IV University, Paris, FRANCE.

2008-2010: Master in History of Philosophy at Paris-Sorbonne IV University, Paris, FRANCE (High Honors).

Master Thesis: « L’interprétation comme double révélation du texte par l’interprète et de l’interprète par le texte », Advisor: Prof. Dominique Pradelle, (Highest Honors).

  • Winter Semester 2009, Spring Semester 2010: Erasmus Scholarship at Roma-la-Sapienza University, ITALY.

2005-2008: Bachelor in philosophy at Paris-Sorbonne IV University, Paris, FRANCE (Honors).

This dissertation is the phenomenological description of a musical object of phantasy I call “inner song,” i.e., the music that the musician “sings in his or her head” while practicing his or her instrument. It describes the specific inner song of a single musician playing a melodic instrument, and rehearsing in a solipsistic situation. The description is based on three resources: my personal experience as a cellist; the third person experiences of other musicians I have interviewed on that topic since 2010 (cf.; and the Husserlian corpus.



  • « “Notre secours est dans le nom du Seigneur, qui a fait le ciel et la terre” – Le Cantique de frère Soleil de François d’Assise comme chemin de vie » W. L. Conelly, D. Cambria (ed.) in Crossing: The INPR Journal, forthcoming, 2024.
  • “On the phenomenological interiority of the inner song of the interpreter”, About Performance, S. Grant, I. Mawell (ed.),Sydney University Press, forthcoming, 2024.

Conferences and Presentations


  • “Reading the lives of the saints to grow closer to Christ – Imitating the disciple to become Christ-like.”, Fordham University Conference, “Phenomenology, Religious Experience and Music Practice” forthcoming, 2025.


  • « “Notre secours est dans le nom du Seigneur, qui a fait le ciel et la terre” – Le Cantique de frère Soleil de François d’Assise comme chemin de vie » INPR Annual Conference.


  • “The Inner Rhythm as the Foundation of the Inner Song”, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, 2021 Conference.
  • “Anticipation in Music Performance: Listening to the Inner Song Ahead of Its Realization in Performance”, NUIG-IPS-BPS, “The Future as Present Concern”, 2021 Conference.
  • “The Performance Attitude and its two Phenomena”, The Law Chair Philosophy Foundation, 2021 Workshop.
  • “Grasping the Inner Song through the Method of the Phenomenological Epoché; From the Subjective Experience of the Object to its Eidetic Description”, Interdisciplinary Coalition of North American Phenomenologists, “Methodology in Interdisciplinary Phenomenology”, 2021 Conference.


  • “Phenomenological Description of the Notion of Inner Song: Doing Phenomenology to Understand Music Practice”, British Society for Phenomenology, “Engaged phenomenology”, 2020 Conference.

2017-: Duquesne University of the Holy Spirit: Adjunct teaching.

2010-: Interviews with international profession musicians in French, English and Italian about the phenomenon of Inner Song :

  • McAnulty Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA; Awarded annually to one PhD. Candidate of the college of Liberal Art (Academical Year 2020-2021)
  • Lambert F. Minucci Endowed Fellowship, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA; Awarded annually to three PhD. Candidate of Duquesne University (Fall 2019)
  • EU Erasmus Mundus Masters Fellowship at Karl University, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, Hosei University, Tokyo, JAPON, and Universität Wuppertal, GERMANY; Awarded to six M.A. applicants from EU countries, max. of one fellowship per country; First rank (Academical Years 2011-2013)
  • EU Erasmus visiting fellowship at Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy; Awarded to three M.A student from Paris-Sorbonne IV (Academical Year 2009-2010)
  • Intensive language course in Italian, at Università per Stranieri, Perugia, ITALY (July 2009)

2017-: Adjunct at Duquesne University of the Holy Spirit.


  • Spring:
    • PHIL 170: “Introduction to Philosophy”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Asynchronous Online Class)
    • PHIL 160: “Reason and Illusion”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Asynchronous Online Class)


  • Fall:
    • PHIL 170: “Introduction to Philosophy”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Asynchronous Online Class)
    • PHIL 160: “Reason and Illusion”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Asynchronous Online Class)
  • Spring:
    • BRDG 105P: “Introduction to Ethics”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Asynchronous Online Class)
    • PHIL 170: “Introduction to Philosophy”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Asynchronous Online Class)


  • Fall:
    • BRDG 105P: “Introduction to Ethics”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Asynchronous Online Class)
    • PHIL 170: “Introduction to Philosophy”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Asynchronous Online Class)


  • Spring:
    • BRDG 105P: “Introduction to Ethics”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Asynchronous Online Class)
    • PHIL 251: “Advanced Ethics”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (Asynchronous Online Class)


  • Spring and Fall 2019:
    • UCOR 132: “Introduction to Philosophy”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2 different classes).
  • Spring and Fall 2018:
    • UCOR 132: “Introduction to Philosophy”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2 different classes).
  • Spring and Fall 2017:
    • UCOR 132: “Introduction to Philosophy”, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (2 different classes).

2023-: Online instructor at the Centre d’Enseignement de Théologie à Distance (under the supervision of the Institut Catholique de Paris)


  • Spring:
    • “Freedom – What can I do?” (Asynchronous Online Class, in collaboration with Valentin Davydov)
    • “Ethics – What should I do?” (Asynchronous Online Class, in collaboration with Valentin Davydov)
    • “Politics – How to live together?” (Asynchronous Online Class, in collaboration with Valentin Davydov)


  • Fall:
    • “Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy” (Asynchronous Online Class, in collaboration with Valentin Davydov)
    • “Introduction to Modern Philosophy” (Asynchronous Online Class, in collaboration with Valentin Davydov)
  • Spring:
    • “Subject – Who am I ? ”, (Asynchronous Online Class, in collaboration with Valentin Davydov)
    • “Athanasius of Alexandria” (Asynchronous Online Class, in collaboration with Valentin Davydov)
    • “Introduction to Medieval Philosophy”, (Asynchronous Online Class, in collaboration with Valentin Davydov)
    • “Ireneus of Lyon” (Asynchronous Online Class, in collaboration with Valentin Davydov)


  • Fall:
    • “Introduction to Ancient Philosophy” (Asynchronous Online Class, in collaboration with Valentin Davydov).



  • From German into French –
    • “Délivrez-nous du mal”, Appendix in Yves Chiron, Exorciste, vingt siècles de lutte contre le diable, Mame, Paris, 2024

Translated Books:


  • Alessandro Bertinetto, Pensée des sons: Thèmes de philosophie de la musique, Paris, Delatour (en co-traduction avec le Dr. Julien Labia).

Translated Papers:


  • Giuseppe Giordano, “Benedetto Croce : Il dialogo con Marx tra 1895 e 1900**” (Recherches philosophiques, 1)


  • Enzo Paci « L’étude de la logique de Husserl », (Recherches Philosophiques no3).

Translated Communications:


  • Angela Ales Bello « La phénoménologie comme proposition théorique innovante dans le panorama philosophique italien », (Symposium on « Héritage et actualité de la philosophie italienne », ENS, Paris, June 27th 2015)
    • Francesco Alfieri « Tentatives d’un bilan des recherches steiniennes au niveau international, La complexe « stratification herméneutique » dans les écrits d’Edith Stein », (Symposium on, Edith Stein, Collège des Bernardins, Paris, October 2015)
    • Francesco Alfieri « Les influences de Dun Scott dans la pensée d’Edith Stein », (Symposium on Edith Stein, Collège des Bernardins, Paris, October 2015)
    • Francesco Alfieri « La dimension communautaire de la pensée d’Edith Stein, un défi pour l’éducation », (Symposium on Edith Stein, Collège des Bernardins, Paris, October 2015)


  • Carmine di Marino « Pour une généalogie de l’ipséité. Partant de Paul Ricoeur »  (Symposium on Paul Ricoeur, Paris, August 2014)
  • Donatella di Cesare « L’Être et le juif: entre Heidegger et Levinas »,  (Symposium on Heidegger, Paris, November 2014)
  • Carmelo Meazza « Le voilement de l’aporie ; Les critiques de Levinas à la tradition de l’ontologie », (Symposium on Heidegger, Paris, November 2014)


  • László Tengelyi, “Die Kategorien der Ehrahrung und das Traszendentale”, vortrag am 04. 2012 in Wuppertal (Erasmus Mundus Review Interpretationes)


  • January 2022: for Scott Lasch. Conversation between Scott Lasch and Philippe Descola.
  • November 2021: for « Exzellenzcluster Matters of Activity. Image Space Material », Humbold Universität, Berlin. Discussion between Patricia Ribault and Hugues Duffau.
  • November 2021: for « Exzellenzcluster Matters of Activity. Image Space Material », Humbold Universität, Berlin. Discussion between Patricia Ribault and Jorg Petruschat.

2021: Expansion of the scope of the interviews to include musician-phenomenologists:  

2020: Expansion of the scope of the interviews to include other artists (ceramist, woodturner, painter…):    

2014: Dissemination of the interviews on social networks to make artists’ knowledge available to everyone, professionals and amateurs alike (Facebook and Twitter):,

2013: Expansion of the scope of the interviews to include non-string players (saxophonists, drummers, etc.) and non-classical musicians (jazz, folk music…)  

2012: Expansion of the scope of the interviews to include other string players (violinists, violists, bassists, etc.).    

2010-: Beginning of the collection of interviews with professional cellists on the phenomenon of “Inner Song” in French, Italian and English:

  • French (Native)
  • German (Fluent)
  • English (Fluent)
  • Italian (Fluent)
  • Russian (Basic)
  • Latin (Basic)
  • Cello (Advanced level)
  • Chamber Music (Regular practice)
  • Singing (Currently soprano in the choir of Saint Patern, Vannes, FRANCE)
  • Pontian Lyra (Basic level)
  • Ballet dancing (Intermediate level)
  • Tango (Basic level)


  • Dr. Lanei Rodemeyer (; Associate Professor of Philosophy, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA
  • Dr. Frederik Evans (; Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA
  • Dr. Jay Lampert (; Professor of Philosophy, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA
  • Dr. Alessandro Bertinetto; Professor of Philosophy, Università di Torino, Italy.
  • Dr. Emmanuel Falque; Professor of Philosophy, Institut Catholique de Paris, France.


  • Dr. Daniel Selcer (; Associate Professor of Philosophy, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA.
  • Dr. James Swindal (; Professor of Philosophy, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA.