Week | Problem at hand | Historical period | Study philosophers | Think critically |
Week 1: Introduction to the problem | Poverty as exclusion (file) | Ancient Ethics | Introduction to the problem of poverty (file) | What does poverty mean for me ? |
Week 2: Poverty in the sense of economic poverty | Tocqueville, Alexis de, Memoir on Pauperism Marx, Karl, The Poverty of Philosophy | What does it mean to be poor? | ||
Week 3: Poverty cannot be restricted only to economic poverty | Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan Townsend, Peter, Poverty in the United Kingdom | Are all inequalities unjust ? | ||
Week 4: Poverty is relative to its context | Simmel, George, The Poor Ravaillon, Martin, On Measuring Global Poverty | Do all inequalities matter politically? | ||
Week 5: The notion of “necessary” or “minimum required.” | Poverty as a Tool to evaluate Wealth (file) | Medieval Ethics | Maslow, Abraham, A Theory of Human Motivation Sen, Amartya, Development as Capability Expansion | What does it mean to be wealthy? |
Week 6: The rich and the poor. | Kant, Immanuel, Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Perspective Friedman, Milton, New River Media Interview | Do the wealthiest have the duty to help the poorest? | ||
Week 7: Overcoming survival to be able to live decently. | Lewis, Oscar, Culture of Poverty Singer, Peter, (https://www.nytimes.com/1999/09/05/magazine/the-singer-solution-to-world-poverty.html) | Is property a right? | ||
Week 8: The responsibility of poverty. | Chrysostom, John, On Wealth and Poverty Hayek, Friedrich, The Essential | Should we seek simplicity? | ||
Week 9: Required conditions to be able to choose poverty | Voluntary Poverty (file) | Modern Ethics | Maimonides, Moses, Mishneh Torah Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum | Is poverty a fatality? |
Week 10: The unnecessary as an obstacle to the perfect life. | Epicurus, Letter To Menoeceus Bible, Lazarus and the Rich Man | Does poverty lead to virtue? | ||
Week 11: The cost of happiness. | Bible, The Rich Young Man Athanasius, The Life of St Anthony | Is it true that freedom is not free? | ||
Week 12: The movement of metanoia. | Franciscan Rule Athanasius, The Life of St Anthony | On what does happiness depend? | ||
Week 13: The fruits of an ascetic life. | Poverty as a Ground for Philosophy (file) | Contemporary Ethics | Epictetus, The Encheiridion (Manual) Saint Augustine, Confession | Is there a right to happiness? |
Week 14: Concretely Addressing Poverty to make the Ethical Choice of Poverty Possible (I) | The right to non-poverty The poor next door, my “neighbor” Poverty within the USA and Global Poverty | What can we do? The problem of collective responsibility. | ||
Week 15: Concretely Addressing Poverty to make the Ethical Choice of Poverty Possible (II) | State Measures Private Measures Personal actions | What can I do? The problem of personal responsibility. | ||
Week 16: Can you think critically about a hot topic? | Hot Topic | Is the poor responsible for being poor? |