Curriculum Vitae

Sept 2024 – June 2027: PhD program in the history of philosophy (Immanuel Kant Baltic State University, Kaliningrad, Russia).
Sept 2015 – June 2017: Master’s degree with honours (red diploma) in Religious Studies, Russian Orthodox University, Russia.
Focus on: The problematics of classifying religious beliefs in ancient Egypt: polytheism or monotheism.
Sept 2010 – June 2015: Specialist degree in History, Russian Orthodox University, Russia.
Focus on: Strategic coordination between the eastern and western fronts during the early campaign in East Prussia and the first Battle of the Marne.
August 2010 – June 2015: BSc degree in Religious Studies, St. John’s Institute of Moscow, Russia.
Focus on: Relationships between European states and religious organizations during the First World War
March 2010 – June 2010: Preparatory course for admission to higher education, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia. Focus on: History, Philosophy of science
- Russian (Native)
- English (Fluent);
- French (Basic);
- Church Slavonic (Good reading and translating abilities);
- Latin (Good reading and translating abilities);
- Ancient Greek (Good reading and translating abilities);
- Egyptian hieroglyphic and hieratic writing (Reading and translating abilities);
- Logo-syllabic Sumerian cuneiform (translating)
History of Ancient Egypt; Religion Studies of Ancient Egypt; Phenomenology of Religion; Bronze Age Studies; Ur-Monotheismus.
Fall Semester 2024:
- “History of Contemporary Philosophy” (collaboration with Ellen Davydov, in French) – ONLINE
- “History of Modern Philosophy” (collaboration with Ellen Davydov, in French) – ONLINE
- “Culture – Who are we ?” (collaboration with Ellen Davydov, in French) – ONLINE
Spring Semester 2024:
- “History of Medieval Philosophy” (collaboration with Ellen Davydov, in French) – ONLINE
- “The Subject – Who am I ?” (collaboration with Ellen Davydov, in French) – ONLINE
- “Athanasius of Alexandria and arianism” (collaboration with Ellen Davydov, in French) – ONLINE
- “Ireneus of Lyon, a Theology of Salvation” (collaboration with Ellen Davydov, in French) – ONLINE
Fall Semester 2023:
- “History of Ancient Philosophy” (collaboration with Ellen Davydov, in French) – ONLINE
Spring Semester 2018-Fall Semester 2019:
- Teaching as an aspirant (SUSU)
- “World Religions: the History of Ideas“, for undergraduate students.
- “Introduction to Ancient Oriental Religions“, a special elective course for undergraduate students.
Spring Semester 2017:
- Teaching practice as part of the Master’s degree program (ROU)
- “The History of Religious Thought”, for undergraduate students.
April 26 – 29, 2020: Moscow International Salon of Online Education, Moscow.
October 23, 2019: Monthly Philosophical and Theological Seminar on anthropological ideas in the experience and teaching of twentieth-century orthodox ascetics, Moscow.
May 26, 2018: St. Ignatius conference on education, Moscow.
March 27 – 28, 2017: Current issues in contemporary culture and education, Moscow.
April 24, 2017: Sociocultural transformation: Dialogue between generations and traditions, Moscow.
Nov 2022 – May2023: Freelance jobs (education/translation/editing)
Duties include: various remote freelance jobs, translation and transcription of scientific texts in philosophy and anthropology, giving private lessons.
Sept 2022 – Oct 2022: Private research project in Cairo, Egypt
A research project at the Dominican Institute of Oriental Studies in Cairo, which aimed to gather more information to complete a doctoral thesis.
May 2022 – Sept 2022: LLC “Trest Magnitostroy”, Russia
Construction works in Ozyorsk, Russia. Ice Arena “Vysota”.
Duties include: supervising a multi-ethnic (Tadjik, Uzbek, Kazakh) subdivision of workers.
Mar 2019 – Jan 2022: LLC Chelyabinsk Construction Company, Russia.
Intercultural Communications Consultant in Ozyorsk.
Duties include: analysing the specific cultural context in the working environment, prevention and resolution of conflict situations between employees of various ethnic and religious backgrounds.
Oct 2017 – Jan 2019: Private academic counseling for students, Russia
Giving private lessons in history, philosophy, academic writing.
Duties include: teaching, redacting, translating (remote employment since February 2018).
Oct 2016 – July 2017: The State Museum of Oriental Art, Russia
On-The-Job Training for Students in the Museum of the Roerichs.
Duties include: tour arrangement, writing articles.
Nov 2015 – Dec 2016: Vernissage in Izmailovo, Antique market, Russia
A small antique dealing business (gramophone records).
Duties include: Antique valuation, buying and selling gramophone records.
July 2015 – Sept 2015: The Mayak Production Association, Russia
Construction works, Student construction brigade.
Duties include: Concrete works, renovation works in the archive of the Central Production Laboratory facility.
- International Network in Philosophy of Religion (INPR)
IT skills:
- Basic Proficiency in MS Office (Word, Excel);
- Blackboard;
- Canvas;
- WordPress;
- scribe transcription software;
- OBS;
- Zoom
Driving skills : B category driver’s license
Archivist skills : An extensive experience of working with archival records in the State Archive of the Russian Federation and the State Archive of Ancient Acts
Interests: A wide range of auxiliary sciences of history, especially genealogy, onomastics and numismatics
Voluntary work: National Health Exhibition, Moscow, 2013.